The efficacy and function of seaweed and food taboos

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Seaweed, which is specially made after being seasoned, is added with oil, salt and other seasonings. It is distributed along the coast of China, mainly in the coastal areas of Jiangsu. Its texture is crisp and tender, and the entrance is instant. Not only in nutrition, its health effect is more commendable, it can also kill cancer cells and enhance immunity. Let's take a closer look at the efficacy and function of seaweed and the taboos of eating!

Seaweed, which is specially made after being seasoned, is added with oil, salt and other seasonings. It is distributed along the coast of China, mainly in the coastal areas of Jiangsu. Its texture is crisp and tender, and the entrance is instant. Not only in nutrition, its health effect is more commendable, it can also kill cancer cells and enhance immunity. Let's take a closer look at the efficacy and function of seaweed and the taboos of eating!


[The efficacy and role of seaweed]

1. diuretic swelling

Because seaweed contains a certain amount of mannitol, it is an excellent osmotic diuretic. It often consumes diuretic swelling, reduces kidney burden, and can also be used as an auxiliary food for treating edema.

2. promote bowel movements

One-third of seaweed is a dietary fiber that promotes intestinal peristalsis, promotes the release of toxins and waste from the body, and maintains intestinal health. People with constipation can drink plenty of water after eating seaweed, and the dietary fiber will absorb a lot of water to enhance the volume of the stool, which is very helpful for relieving constipation.

3. Prevention of anemia

Seaweed is rich in mineral iron. The content of iron in a seaweed is similar to that of a pig liver. Two pieces of seaweed are equivalent to 3 bottles of milk and one egg. Therefore, women eating seaweed can prevent iron deficiency anemia.

4. protect cardiovascular

Seaweed is rich in taurine, which is an amino acid widely found in the human brain, retina, heart, and bile. Proper eating of seaweed can protect the heart muscle, enhance heart function, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia, hypertension, and arrhythmia.

5. improve immunity

The polysaccharide contained in seaweed has obvious functions of enhancing cellular immunity and humoral immunity, promoting lymphocyte transformation and improving the immunity of the body.

6. anti-cancer anti-cancer

The phycobiliprotein contained in seaweed has the application prospect of lowering blood sugar and anti-tumor, and the polysaccharide has anti-aging, hypolipidemic, anti-tumor and other biological activities. The inhibitory rate of active ingredients on Ehrlich's cancer is 53.2%, which is helpful for the prevention and treatment of tumors such as brain tumors, breast cancer, thyroid cancer and malignant lymphoma.


[Nutrition Value of Seaweed]

Seaweed concentrates various B vitamins in seaweed, especially riboflavin and niacin, and there are many vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as a small amount of vitamin C. Seaweed contains about 15% of minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc., which are essential for maintaining normal physiological functions. Selenium and iodine are especially abundant.

1. Kelp is baked from seaweed, which contains fat-soluble active chemical components - bromophenol compounds and carotenoids. The reason why seaweed is purple is mainly because it is rich in carotenoids.

2. Seaweed is rich in taurine. In addition to beneficial heart health, taurine can promote the development of nervous system in infants and young children. In addition, it can enhance children's memory, promote retinal and visual development, and prevent cataract.

3. Alginic acid contained in seaweed also helps to remove toxic metals such as strontium and cadmium in the human body. In addition, seaweed can prevent and treat peptic ulcers, delay aging, and help women maintain the lubrication and health of their skin.

4. seaweed is rich in vitamins and minerals, it contains 12 kinds of vitamins, especially rich in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 has active brain nerves, prevents aging and memory loss, and improves the efficacy of depression.


[Seaweed food taboo]

First, should not eat with food

Nori + Persimmon: affects the absorption of calcium

Seaweed contains about 15% of minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc. necessary to maintain normal physiological functions; while persimmon contains a lot of tannic acid, both of which eat, It will combine with calcium in seaweed to produce calcium citrate. However, calcium citrate is not easily digested and absorbed by the human body, thus affecting the absorption of calcium.

Second, the relevant taboos

1. Sea salt has high salt and MSG content. Therefore, patients with hypertension should not eat more.

2. Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat seaweed. Because the content of iodine in seaweed is rich, it will aggravate the condition.

Third, mother and child should avoid

1. pregnant women can eat

Seaweed is rich in protein. During pregnancy, the appetite of pregnant women is better, and the growth of the fetus is also very rapid. Pregnant women need enough protein to provide energy to maintain all life activities and the nutritional supply of the fetus.

2. infants can eat

In addition to beneficial heart health, taurine in seaweed can promote the development of nervous system in infants and young children. It can enhance children's memory, promote retinal and visual development, and prevent cataract. Enriched choline and calcium promote the growth of bones and teeth.


[Seaweed related recipes]

1. horseshoe tofu seaweed cake

Efficacy: heat detoxification, bowel laxative

Other ingredients: salt, horseshoe, dry starch, chicken powder, seaweed, pepper, mushrooms

2. seaweed sesame allah

Efficacy: prevent anemia, improve immunity, protect the heart

Other ingredients: salt, butter, powdered sugar, eggs

3. seaweed sesame fluff

Efficacy: prevention of anemia, anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Other ingredients: soy sauce, allspice, peanut oil, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, fragrant leaves, onions, oyster sauce, salt, ginger, pepper, aniseed, black pepper powder

4. seaweed rice rolls

Efficacy: diuretic swelling, prevention of anemia

Other ingredients: potatoes, olive oil, peas, salt, onions

5. rice seaweed meatballs

Efficacy: enhance immunity, delay aging

Other ingredients: oil, eggs, ginger, onions, salt, starch

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Jiangsu Xianzhiyuan Aquatic Food Co., Ltd.


Address: West of Jinggangshan Road, Rudong Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province

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